Once you have created a RICOH360 Account, you will be able to use the App immediately (logged in).
To log in again after logging out or to log in with the account you created in RICOH360 Tours, follow the steps below.
When logging in with a PC
- Access the login page with your browser
- Enter the email address and password of the account you created
When logging in with a smartphone
- Launch the RICOH360 App and the login page will appear
Click here for the RICOH360 App download page: iOS / Android - Enter the email address and password of the account you have created
- The first time you log in, a dialog box opens asking if you want to allow or disallow the use of your smartphone's location, search for and connect to devices on the local network, and Bluetooth connections.Please select Allow for all.
If you are using RICOH360 Tours
If you are currently using RICOH360 Tours, you can use the email address and password of the account you created for each service.